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Turkish-Australians Stand Up To The Greek-Cypriot High Commissioner.

Updated: Dec 18, 2023

Turkish-Australians say the High Commissioner Antonis Sammoutis' attempts to silence and intimidate NSW State MPs for attending their community event, while should be seen as an act of Foreign Interference, is also a continuation of EOKA-B and fascist Greek junta's ideological determination to ethnically clean the island from its Turkish inhabitants.

Australian Northern Cyprus Friendship Association say the High Commisioner and his staff in Canberra have acted improperly in interfering with the Australian society to further their political agenda, when they used their media access to threaten the Member for Holsworthy, Tina Ayad, following the State MP's acknowledgment at the NSW State Parliament recognising the association and its activities.

After immense pressure, Ayad issued an apology to the Greek-Cypriot community for "causing offence".

ANCFA leadership have now taken the matter to Premier Minns and State Opposition Leader, Mark Speakmen.

The association claims that the High Commisioner's acts amount to "text-book" foreign interference and likely to set up a dangerous precedent by emboldening other foreign diplomats to also pressure local MPs all over the country for their engamenets with ethnic communities and attending their events.



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